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Monthly Special: 15% off Holy Goat & Knee Deep!

I'm A Tin Can Of Emotion

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $14.50

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only 3 left in stock

Hazy IPA | 500ml | ABV 6.8%

Hamish reckons that word on the street is we don’t brew enough NEIPAs around here… Cut to Ross, locked in a glass case of hop-induced emotion. The brew crew’s answer is a wicked hop combo worthy of a jazz flute solo. Well, that escalated quickly.

Galaxy, Eclipse, Nectaron and Kohatu lay the base while Ariana and Kohia Nelson come floating in over the top. A cold whirlpool and high mash temp maximise the juice while a heap of wheat and oats in the grain bring the haze. But here’s the kicker. The all new Amplifire Riwaka Hop Oil brings everything to a deafening crescendo.

I’m not quite sure how to put this, but…this NEIPA is kind of a big deal. Enjoy and you stay classy, Jindong.

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